Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Trees are Visible Gods ! - Banyan Tree.

Trees are Visible Gods! – Banyan Tree

Botanical Name: Ficus bengalensis
English: Banyan Tree.
Sansrit: Vata Vriksha / Brahma Vriksha
Hindi: Vad / Bud
Telugu: Marri Chettu.

Week of the Tree: Monday.
Star of the Tree: Magha.
Planet of the Tree: Sukra.

Banyan Tree is also a perennial tree and withstand to different climatic disturbances. This is one of the ‘ Pancha Ksheera Vrikshas’ (five latex producing trees). It is a rapid growing and grows up to 50 mts. The special character of this tree is aerial roots develop from the branches and called ‘ prop roots’. They extend in to the soil and penetrate and become pillar like woody structures. They give support and protection to the tree from falling during heavy winds and cyclones. Another peculiarity of this tree is ‘ flowering’ cannot be seen. Small red berries called ‘figs’ develop on the branches. Banyan tree is long living, large spreading one. It gives shade and shelter to the people and animals.

The tree is multipurpose in nature. The leaves of the trees are used for making ‘leaf plates’ which are considered as sacred and auspicious and used during special rituals, especially by Hindus in India. The fibre extracted from the prop roots and the bark of the tree is used for making ropes which are strong and sturdy. The latex of this tree has medicinal value. When it is applied to the fissures of the feet or cracked heels , they will be healed miraculously ! When is gargled, it gives soothing effect to the tongue and heals sore throat. The decoction of the bark of this tree is highly medicinal and useful in the control of ‘Diabetes’. The dried prop roots are made in to powder and will be used as tooth powder which gives strength to the teeth and make them disease free !

Religious importance : The persons with Birth star ‘Magha’ can get rid off their difficulties, sorrows and hardships when they chant the ‘sthrotra’ of God Saturn written by ‘Dasaradha’. They can also chant the Mantra ‘Oum Kleem Brahmaney Jagada dharaya namah’ to be happy and healthy ! Those who meditate and worship under this tree will get peace of Mind, their desires will be fulfilled, and get Health, Wealth and Prospirity !

There are famous ‘Banyan Trees’ in India which are religiously and historically important. Details will be in the next post !