Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Trees are Visible Gods ! - Beal Tree

Trees are Visible Gods – Beal Tree

Latin: Aegle marmelos Family: Rutaceae
English: Word Apple , Holy Fruit Tree , Beal Tree
Sanskrit: Bilwa ,Sriphala ,Sada Phala
Telugu: Maaredu
Hindi: Bil

This tree grows to a height of 10 – 12 meters. It will be having a big, stout trunk with cracked bark. The branches and the trunk are strong and hard. The branches and twigs are full of small spike like thorns. The leaves are compound, palmately trifoliate and alternate. The twigs at the end of the branches are always green, sharp and spine shaped.

This tree flowers in the month of March & April. The fruit ripens only after one year. The flowers are yellowish white (ivory) colour, bi-sexual, five petalled, and sweet scented. The fruit is a large berry, many seeded and oval or globular in shape. The shell or the rind of the fruit is pale green in color and hard nut to crack. The pulp of the fruit is soft, yellowish grey in color with pleasant fragrance. This pulp is mucilaginous and slightly acidic in taste. Some tastes slightly bitter.

This tree is of Indian origin. It grows very well both in plains and hills even at an altitude of 4000 ft. This tree grows to height of 10 – 12 meters.
Three leaves of this tree represent three eyes of Lord Siva. So the leaves are considered very auspicious and the trees are mainly grown in Lord Siva temples premices. The leaves are described as ‘ three dalam’ ie. Three leaves. Devotees of Lord Siva worship ‘Siva Linga’ with the leaves of this Holy tree. The leaf is slightly bitter and acts as astringent. It is hard and contains less cellulose. It has got high medicinal properties.

‘Tri Dalam, trigunaakaaram, trinatrum, cha triayudham|
Tri janma papa samharam eka bilwam Sivaarpanam||

Is the sacred slokam in Sanskrit language which is chanted during worship of Lord Siva !

Medicinal importance:
* For the control of Diabetes, daily 30 – 35 grs. Of leaves can be consumed twice a day. It can be taken as raw juice or powder or infusion. This may be taken any one of the following sacred ‘Tulasi’, ‘ Citrus’, Amaranthus, Eclipta erecta etc. in the ratio of 3:1.
The flowers may be used along with the leaves in the ratio of 1:4. The pulp of the fruit and flowers can be used for making Sherbet, bathing oil, marmalade etc.
• The pulp of this fruit can be mixed with raw cow’s milk and applied on the head After 1 or 2 hrs. one can take a cold head bath. This gives cooling effect and works as a wonderful, natural, herbal Shampoo !
• It is found to be effective in the cure of fever, respiratory diseases, Dropsy, jaundice, cardiac troubles, dyspepsia, anaemia, piles, dysentery and spermataria etc.
• This is one of the ‘Ashta Bilwas’. The science of Mantras described this tree as ‘Ashta Karma Moolikas’. It is known as ‘Tri Dosha Haari’ ie ‘Vata – Pitta – Kapha , health disorders related to Air element, Bile and cough. It is capable of eradicating all types of toxics and provides sound health !

Religious importance:

• The leaf of this tree is also called ‘Sri Patram’, which means it can shower riches and wealthy ness to who worship Lord Siva with these leaves.
• It was said that the Ladha maharaj of Bileswar cured himself of his Leprosy not by any medicine but only applying the leaves of Bilwa that are used for worshipping Lord mahadeva in Bhileswar and by chanting ‘Rama nama’ regularly ! – Said by Mahatma Gandhi.There is another variety belongs to the same family but slightly differs from the above and is known as ‘Kasi Bilwam’ in TamilNadu. Saint Thiru molar ( Sidha) who lived morethan 3000 years ago, written in Tamil language about this ‘Bilwa’ as, - consuming this Bilwa leaves regularly cools the body, prevents spermatozoa and increases the beauty of the physique .

In Sanskrit, the holy stanzas praising Lord Siva are in ‘Bilwashtakam’ and generate high vibrations who chant this during ‘Kaartheek’ month.

Importance in Building Biology (Vaastu):
Planting this tree on North or North-West is beneficial and auscpicious. The place where this ‘Maaredu’, and ‘Medi’ trees combined and grown, from this place towords south at a distance of three hands length, at a depth of 18 ft. one can find Water source, as per ancient water divine Science. It is also saying that as a test at six feet a frog will appear.

In ‘Maarkaandeya Puraana’ a devotee worshipped Lord Siva with these holy leaves of ‘Maaredu’ and got immense blessings of Lord Siva and won the ‘Death’ and got enhanced his longevity and become ‘Mritunjaya’ means ‘death less’.

Thus this tree,’Maaredu’ is holy, sacred and divine in nature and auspicious for Lord Siva and also got herbal medicinal importance !

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Trees are Visible Gods ! - Banyan Tree.

Trees are Visible Gods! – Banyan Tree

Botanical Name: Ficus bengalensis
English: Banyan Tree.
Sansrit: Vata Vriksha / Brahma Vriksha
Hindi: Vad / Bud
Telugu: Marri Chettu.

Week of the Tree: Monday.
Star of the Tree: Magha.
Planet of the Tree: Sukra.

Banyan Tree is also a perennial tree and withstand to different climatic disturbances. This is one of the ‘ Pancha Ksheera Vrikshas’ (five latex producing trees). It is a rapid growing and grows up to 50 mts. The special character of this tree is aerial roots develop from the branches and called ‘ prop roots’. They extend in to the soil and penetrate and become pillar like woody structures. They give support and protection to the tree from falling during heavy winds and cyclones. Another peculiarity of this tree is ‘ flowering’ cannot be seen. Small red berries called ‘figs’ develop on the branches. Banyan tree is long living, large spreading one. It gives shade and shelter to the people and animals.

The tree is multipurpose in nature. The leaves of the trees are used for making ‘leaf plates’ which are considered as sacred and auspicious and used during special rituals, especially by Hindus in India. The fibre extracted from the prop roots and the bark of the tree is used for making ropes which are strong and sturdy. The latex of this tree has medicinal value. When it is applied to the fissures of the feet or cracked heels , they will be healed miraculously ! When is gargled, it gives soothing effect to the tongue and heals sore throat. The decoction of the bark of this tree is highly medicinal and useful in the control of ‘Diabetes’. The dried prop roots are made in to powder and will be used as tooth powder which gives strength to the teeth and make them disease free !

Religious importance : The persons with Birth star ‘Magha’ can get rid off their difficulties, sorrows and hardships when they chant the ‘sthrotra’ of God Saturn written by ‘Dasaradha’. They can also chant the Mantra ‘Oum Kleem Brahmaney Jagada dharaya namah’ to be happy and healthy ! Those who meditate and worship under this tree will get peace of Mind, their desires will be fulfilled, and get Health, Wealth and Prospirity !

There are famous ‘Banyan Trees’ in India which are religiously and historically important. Details will be in the next post !