Friday, 11 December 2009

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Hug me.......Hug me !

Hug me ….. Hug me!

“ We need 4 hugs a day for survival, we need 8 hugs a day for maintenance, we needs 12 hugs a day for growth” - Varginia Satir, a Family Therapist.

‘Hug’ has become a therapy – to create awareness about a healthy and wholesome habit endamged by the bustle of modern life. When we want to express that a situation has triggered intensive feelings in our heart or belly area, we say “it touched my heart” or “it touched me” and we should feel lucky to have the possibility – to learn the art of ‘Touching’. All human beings on our planet automatically touch the spot whom they have bumper their heads. In many cultures, people shake hands, kiss or embrace each other as greeting, through this first touch, a sensitive individual directly feels on which level the encounter with the other person will take place. Animals are apparently similar to us in this respect.

Women are some what a head of us men in the art of touching, because their material instinct, their basic nature lets them be willing to touch others as well as themselves, in a loving way and without any sexual ulterior motives. Touching brings joy and well being to the person who touches and the person who is touched. There are actually just two types of touching, conscious and loving or unconscious, lukewarm touching.

Touch and hug leads us to a better understanding of our own sensitivity and brings real physical as well as psychological benefits! Kajal Basu, an old journalist said that it loosens you up and breaks the bonds of body as well as society. Previously, the more ritualistic ways of greeting people , hand-shakes and namastes are designed to keep us apart rather than bring us together- he argues !

R.Chandran, a Reiki Master of Mumbai says that hugging is a tool of transformation. Hugging brings people closer to each other. If your relational ship with somebody is not working
Try hugging him twenty times a day and there will be a significant difference. ‘Touch therapy’ based on the transfer of energy, the area of touch is much larger in the case of ‘hugging’ and the contact is much more intricate, so the effects are subtler!

‘Pray with your heart, work with your hands’ was the simple instruction given by Sri Matha Amritananda mayi to her followers. When she travels, hug and gatherings spring around ‘Amma’. It is during these, as she hugs every person that comes to her that ‘Amma’ comes in touch with the common needs of the common people.

A song in husky voice... I am hearing. a whispering tone calling me to hug…as I look around I saw a holy fig tree from temple of Lord Sai Baba , a Neem tree from the temple of Godess Maha Lakshmi, a Beal tree from the temple of Lord Shiva, a Basil bush from the temple of Lord Krishna, a Neem and Ficus tree combination from the temple of Lord Vishnu…they are offering to give a divine, sacred hug of spirituality and mental relaxation!

The big and tiny flowers with sweet scents in attracting colors are also inviting in a silent , whispering language to have a worm and pleasing hug. A dream girl in a dreamy state sending signs with her half closed eyelids to hug her with out any delay. A goat with innocent looks at her sheappred boy, a cow with innocent looks at his cattleman, a bird in the cage with her innocent looks at her owner, expressing their intension of worm hug or touch love ! A tiny, shiny, creeper ‘touch me not’ welcoming to hug her or touch her closely!

Far away the sky is hugging the earth, the child is hugging her mother, tiny bird is hugging, and small puppy is hugging her mother dog…I am unable to hear the whispers, the murmuring, husky voice and unaware of the silent signs, the lovely language of the tender beautiful flowers ! I could’nt understand why I am unable to feel the rhythm of Nature and Life. I became mad…my eyelids half closed…and wandering madly! Then suddenly I heard a tingling sound of temple bells, the whispers, husky voice and so on…my eyes opened and I saw a beautiful Hug…and lastly I was in a friendly, lovely and worming ‘Hug’!

It only takes a hug…a heart felt and worm embrace, to change the lives of others!

How to Hug:
“The real hug, the full body hug, touches all the bases and creates a sense of complete giving and total communication”. Hugging may sound like the simplest thing on earth, but it will help to keep a few things in mind.

* Non-hugs are no good. In his book, ‘Caring, Feeling, Touching’, Dr.Sidney Simon
Describes five non-hugs:

1. The A frame hug, in which nothing but the hugger’s head touch.
2. The half hugs, where the hugger’s upper bodies touch while the other half twists away.
3. The chest-chest burp, in which the huggers pat each other on the back, defusing the physical contact by treating each other like infants being burped.
4. The wallet-rub, in which two people stand side-by-side and touch hips.
5. The jock-twirl, in which the hugger, who is stronger or bigger, lifts the other person off the ground and twirls him.
• The real thing, the full body hug, touches all the bases. Dr.Simon describes it like this.’Two people coming together take time to really look at each other. There is no evasion or ignoring who it is they are about to hug…you try as hard as you can to personalize and customize each hug you give…with a full body hug there is a sense of complete giving and fearless communication, one uncomplicated by words.’
• “It is the attitude that is important” says Vikas Malkani. “It need not be a full, frontal hug. It could be sideways.
• Generally, hug only friends and people you know. “Many people do not like their personal space to be invaded. Still others may feel too vulnerable at times to like to be touched,” warns Dr. Bhagat.
• Stereo type of men being less demonstrative than women in their love and affection is by and large true. “But men are more open to hugging after a few drinks at parties,” says Pommi Malhotra. From her experience she says that even touch ones respond to hugging.
• Many people feel embarrassed or uncomfortable when hugged, but Malkani’s advice is still go at it because they are bound to feel good afterwards and may even feel greateful to you.
• When you feel the need to be hugged, ask for one.
• Any place is good enough for hugging: home, office, school, church, a party, a conference. You may, however, feel uncomfortable hugging, for example, at work. In that case, prefer a more intimate environment, such as at home with friends or at a party!

I would like to thank the author Parveen chopra and Publisher of this article and to post in this blog with some additions.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Trees are Visible Gods ! - Beal Tree

Trees are Visible Gods – Beal Tree

Latin: Aegle marmelos Family: Rutaceae
English: Word Apple , Holy Fruit Tree , Beal Tree
Sanskrit: Bilwa ,Sriphala ,Sada Phala
Telugu: Maaredu
Hindi: Bil

This tree grows to a height of 10 – 12 meters. It will be having a big, stout trunk with cracked bark. The branches and the trunk are strong and hard. The branches and twigs are full of small spike like thorns. The leaves are compound, palmately trifoliate and alternate. The twigs at the end of the branches are always green, sharp and spine shaped.

This tree flowers in the month of March & April. The fruit ripens only after one year. The flowers are yellowish white (ivory) colour, bi-sexual, five petalled, and sweet scented. The fruit is a large berry, many seeded and oval or globular in shape. The shell or the rind of the fruit is pale green in color and hard nut to crack. The pulp of the fruit is soft, yellowish grey in color with pleasant fragrance. This pulp is mucilaginous and slightly acidic in taste. Some tastes slightly bitter.

This tree is of Indian origin. It grows very well both in plains and hills even at an altitude of 4000 ft. This tree grows to height of 10 – 12 meters.
Three leaves of this tree represent three eyes of Lord Siva. So the leaves are considered very auspicious and the trees are mainly grown in Lord Siva temples premices. The leaves are described as ‘ three dalam’ ie. Three leaves. Devotees of Lord Siva worship ‘Siva Linga’ with the leaves of this Holy tree. The leaf is slightly bitter and acts as astringent. It is hard and contains less cellulose. It has got high medicinal properties.

‘Tri Dalam, trigunaakaaram, trinatrum, cha triayudham|
Tri janma papa samharam eka bilwam Sivaarpanam||

Is the sacred slokam in Sanskrit language which is chanted during worship of Lord Siva !

Medicinal importance:
* For the control of Diabetes, daily 30 – 35 grs. Of leaves can be consumed twice a day. It can be taken as raw juice or powder or infusion. This may be taken any one of the following sacred ‘Tulasi’, ‘ Citrus’, Amaranthus, Eclipta erecta etc. in the ratio of 3:1.
The flowers may be used along with the leaves in the ratio of 1:4. The pulp of the fruit and flowers can be used for making Sherbet, bathing oil, marmalade etc.
• The pulp of this fruit can be mixed with raw cow’s milk and applied on the head After 1 or 2 hrs. one can take a cold head bath. This gives cooling effect and works as a wonderful, natural, herbal Shampoo !
• It is found to be effective in the cure of fever, respiratory diseases, Dropsy, jaundice, cardiac troubles, dyspepsia, anaemia, piles, dysentery and spermataria etc.
• This is one of the ‘Ashta Bilwas’. The science of Mantras described this tree as ‘Ashta Karma Moolikas’. It is known as ‘Tri Dosha Haari’ ie ‘Vata – Pitta – Kapha , health disorders related to Air element, Bile and cough. It is capable of eradicating all types of toxics and provides sound health !

Religious importance:

• The leaf of this tree is also called ‘Sri Patram’, which means it can shower riches and wealthy ness to who worship Lord Siva with these leaves.
• It was said that the Ladha maharaj of Bileswar cured himself of his Leprosy not by any medicine but only applying the leaves of Bilwa that are used for worshipping Lord mahadeva in Bhileswar and by chanting ‘Rama nama’ regularly ! – Said by Mahatma Gandhi.There is another variety belongs to the same family but slightly differs from the above and is known as ‘Kasi Bilwam’ in TamilNadu. Saint Thiru molar ( Sidha) who lived morethan 3000 years ago, written in Tamil language about this ‘Bilwa’ as, - consuming this Bilwa leaves regularly cools the body, prevents spermatozoa and increases the beauty of the physique .

In Sanskrit, the holy stanzas praising Lord Siva are in ‘Bilwashtakam’ and generate high vibrations who chant this during ‘Kaartheek’ month.

Importance in Building Biology (Vaastu):
Planting this tree on North or North-West is beneficial and auscpicious. The place where this ‘Maaredu’, and ‘Medi’ trees combined and grown, from this place towords south at a distance of three hands length, at a depth of 18 ft. one can find Water source, as per ancient water divine Science. It is also saying that as a test at six feet a frog will appear.

In ‘Maarkaandeya Puraana’ a devotee worshipped Lord Siva with these holy leaves of ‘Maaredu’ and got immense blessings of Lord Siva and won the ‘Death’ and got enhanced his longevity and become ‘Mritunjaya’ means ‘death less’.

Thus this tree,’Maaredu’ is holy, sacred and divine in nature and auspicious for Lord Siva and also got herbal medicinal importance !

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Trees are Visible Gods ! - Banyan Tree.

Trees are Visible Gods! – Banyan Tree

Botanical Name: Ficus bengalensis
English: Banyan Tree.
Sansrit: Vata Vriksha / Brahma Vriksha
Hindi: Vad / Bud
Telugu: Marri Chettu.

Week of the Tree: Monday.
Star of the Tree: Magha.
Planet of the Tree: Sukra.

Banyan Tree is also a perennial tree and withstand to different climatic disturbances. This is one of the ‘ Pancha Ksheera Vrikshas’ (five latex producing trees). It is a rapid growing and grows up to 50 mts. The special character of this tree is aerial roots develop from the branches and called ‘ prop roots’. They extend in to the soil and penetrate and become pillar like woody structures. They give support and protection to the tree from falling during heavy winds and cyclones. Another peculiarity of this tree is ‘ flowering’ cannot be seen. Small red berries called ‘figs’ develop on the branches. Banyan tree is long living, large spreading one. It gives shade and shelter to the people and animals.

The tree is multipurpose in nature. The leaves of the trees are used for making ‘leaf plates’ which are considered as sacred and auspicious and used during special rituals, especially by Hindus in India. The fibre extracted from the prop roots and the bark of the tree is used for making ropes which are strong and sturdy. The latex of this tree has medicinal value. When it is applied to the fissures of the feet or cracked heels , they will be healed miraculously ! When is gargled, it gives soothing effect to the tongue and heals sore throat. The decoction of the bark of this tree is highly medicinal and useful in the control of ‘Diabetes’. The dried prop roots are made in to powder and will be used as tooth powder which gives strength to the teeth and make them disease free !

Religious importance : The persons with Birth star ‘Magha’ can get rid off their difficulties, sorrows and hardships when they chant the ‘sthrotra’ of God Saturn written by ‘Dasaradha’. They can also chant the Mantra ‘Oum Kleem Brahmaney Jagada dharaya namah’ to be happy and healthy ! Those who meditate and worship under this tree will get peace of Mind, their desires will be fulfilled, and get Health, Wealth and Prospirity !

There are famous ‘Banyan Trees’ in India which are religiously and historically important. Details will be in the next post !

Saturday, 18 July 2009

How to get rid off Acne !

learn step by step how to get rid of acne and prevent future outbreaks with this unique natural acne solution in 14 days. WARNING! Don't Even Think About Buying Another Acne Product Until You Read This........ "Former Chronic Acne Sufferer Reveals...Read More

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Trees are Visible Gods ! – The Gular Fig.

Trees are Visible Gods ! – The Gular Fig.

English: Country Fig Tree
Sanskrit: ‘Ksheera Vriksha’
‘Hema Dugdha’
Telugu: ‘Medi Chettu’ (or)
‘Bodda Chettu’ (or)
‘Athi Chettu’.
Latin: Ficus racemosa ; Ficus glomerata
(Family: Moraceae)

This ‘Country Fig’ tree is also of divine nature ! In this there are two types viz.’ Sadharana Medi’ and ‘ Brahma Medi’. Both are having almost same characters.

Most of the plant parts are having Medicinal properties. The bark of the tender fruits is savor to taste. Fully ripped fruits are sweet and they are healthy to body. (reduces body heat).

This tree is also perennial and raises up to 20-30 ft. It is usually seen in the forests and fields too. These are commonly seen in ‘Shirdi Sai and ‘Dattatreya’ temples. The berries develop to the branches and to the trunk also. Each and every plant part contains latex. The figs are liked by children and birds ! The dried twigs of this tree will be used in performing ‘Agni Hothra’ or ‘Homa’ or ‘Yagnas’.

Medicinal Properties:

1.The decoction prepared from the bark of this tree cures red and white discharge problem in ladies and strengthens the uterus and make it healthy.
2.If the decoction is gargled in the mouth, the swollen and soft gums become hard and healthy.
3.The dried powder when mixed with oil, becomes an ointment. If it is applied to wounds , it heals wonderfully!
4.The leaf powder mixed with Honey and when taken reduces the bilious nature. It enhance the life span by restoring semen and strength.
5.The cotton dipped in the latex drawn from the branches and other tree parts heals the swellings/ mumps etc. It should be done 2-3 times.
6.The Fig juice and Honey will reduce the burning sensation of the palms, and feet!
7.The above mixture also reduces respiratory disorders like T.B, Asthama, Bronchitis etc.
8.The powder made from the dried figs when orally taken cures constipation.
9. The root of the country Fig is made into a paste and applied to the feet and massaged to get easy parturition/delivery !
10.The latex of the plant parts when applied to warts, they will drop off in 3-4 days !
11.The powder made from the figs may taken for blood purification/increase of Haemoglobin and give luster and glow to the skin !

This tree , ‘Country Fig’, is considered to be the embodiment of Lord’ Datta threya’ himself residing in the tree ! Devotees worship this tree on Thurse days especially by offering ‘kumkum’ and ‘Turmeric powder’, chanting the related Mantras, Pour 9 mugs of water at the base of the tree, offer sweet as ‘Naivedyam’ and make rounds around the tree 11 times by chanting ‘ Sai Siva Hari oum’ for getting sound health, good wealth and prosperity !
The persons whose planetary position of ‘Lord Sukra’ is unfavorable can sit under this holy tree during thurse days and chant the related Mantras as aremediel measure.

This ‘Country Fig Tree’ is medically and religiously important one, so every one should have this sacred tree in their homes. It also purifies the surroundings by eradicating the air pollution.

Thus, this tree is holy and sacred and is known as sacred ‘Dattathreya Tree’ !

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Natural,Miracle Divine Bead - Rudraksha !

- Natural, Miracle, Divine Bead
- The ‘Rudraksha

‘Rudraksha’ – The Natural, Miracle, Divine bead tree belongs to ‘Elaeocarpaceae’ family and is known as Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Botanically !
There are 90 varieties of ‘Rudraksha’ trees were spread all over the world and 19 varieties are found in India. These trees grows to a height of 25 meters. The trees present on the banks of ‘Varun’ river in the Himalayan tract are called ‘Obalogous’ be the Botonists. The trees grow more than 3000 ft. in Himalayan mountain tract and are known as ‘Seretous’. The diameter of the trunk is about 2m. The tree resembles to some what like our Mango tree!
The leaves are big and long, measuring to a length of 10 to 30 cm and 12.5 cm. breadth. The upper surface of the leaf is in shiny dark green color. The lower surface of the leaf is covered with minute yellow dust particles. The inflorescence is of 7.5 cm. long and appears in the months of Dec – Jan. The flowers will be white in color and measures to a length of 2.5 cm. with sweet dour. The flowers become fruits during the months of Jul – Aug. The inner portion of the tree trunk will be in white in color in the early stages of it’s growth and in later stages as the tree grows older and older the pith of the tree will be in black in color. It is estimated that 1 cu.m. Of wood of ‘Rudraksha’ tree weighs about 480 Kgs.
In India, in western Ghat areas mainly in ‘Neelagiri’ and ‘Anemala’, in the forests of ‘Palani’, Assam, Java, Nepal and Malaya the ‘Rudraksha’ trees are found. They are also present in Indonaecea, Darjeling and Konkini, Mysore, Kerala states of South India.
The ‘Rudrakshas’ found in the state of Assam are known as ‘Saki Yang’ in Assamese language. The tribal people of Assam used to consume the riped ‘Rudraksha’ fruites which are bitter-sweet in taste !

The term ‘Rudraksha’ literally stands for the eyes of’’ Lord Shiva’. ‘Rudra’ means Lord Shiva and ‘Aksha’ means the ‘eyes’. Ancient Vedic scriptures like ‘The Siva Purana’, ‘ThePadma Purana’ (Chapt.57), Sri mad Baghavatham (Chapt.III to VII) , ‘Rudraksha Jaabaloponishad’ and ‘Mantra Maharnava’ etc. mentioned about the greatness and wonderful properties of ‘Rudraksha’ beads.

As per Vedic scriptures, ‘Puranas’, and ‘Devi Bhagavatham’, Lord Shiva, the supreme soul, infinite intelligence, Mangala Karaka, Laya Karaka, and most powerful deity performed penance (Ghora Thapas) with eyes open for millions of years. When he closed his eyes at the end, the tears dropped on the earth and sprouted as ‘Rudraksha’ plants! Lord Shiva then told to Godess Parvathi , no other necklace, garland or beads will be so powerful and auspicious as ‘Rudraksha’. As a gift of Lord Shiva, Yogi’s and prominent personalities used ‘Rudraksha’ to empower themselves and to lead a fearless and confident life. Scientifically also ‘Rudrakshas’ have electro magnetic properties and exhibit positive effects on the skin of the human body when worn.

By virtue of it physical structure of the ‘Rudraksha’ bead, it gently massage the neck and Heart muscles, there by leading to proper blood circulation . Ancient Rishis found wearing the ‘Rudraksha’ beads all over the body which said to control blood circulation in the entire Nervous System. ‘Rudrakshas’ can safely be worn by all people, men and women at all times. ‘Rudrakshas’ are worn for the removal of ‘sin’ (papa), and for attainment of spiritual uplift (punya) and not for any other motive. ‘Rudrakshas’ are said to protect the body, lightens the mind, controls the anger, prevents infection, aids in concentration and strengthens the ‘inner personility’

The ‘Rudraksha’ fruits are bluish red in color, hard and possess various faces or groves or clefts or furrows or ‘Mukhis’. ‘Rudrakshas’ with one face (Eka mukhi), and two faces (Dwi mukhi) are very rare. Those with faces up to 14 are very common. The five faced (Pancha Mukhi) Rudrakshas’ are very common and least expensive. Actually the faces or ‘Mukhis’ are represent the planet ‘Sun’ or ‘Surya’, the center of the Solar system, around which all the planets revolve. These ‘Mukhis’ effectively control the malefic effects of ‘Sun’ and cure diseases of Right eye, head, ear,bowel and bones.
Psychologically the confidence, charisma, leadership qualities and prosperity of the person increases as the ‘Sun’ is pleased with wearer. The smaller the ‘Rudraksha’ the less powerful it is, according to the Science of ‘Tantra’. Bigger the size, the vibration will be higher ! As per the Vedic scriptures and Puranas each ‘Rudraksha’ has a special magical quality.

Foreign scholars like Paul Hume hail the power of ‘Rudraksha’ which they believe would lead to a glorious period in human life. Diseases proving intractable for drugs and cured by wearing or drinking ‘Rudraksha’ enersized water or the extract from the ‘Rudraksha’ fruit. ‘Rudraksha’ – 7 – 14 faces provide protection from wild animals like Tigers and beasts, from dreadful diseases and are source of immense happiness. The wearing of ‘Rudraksha mala’ of 108 beads, yields the benefits of ‘Aswa Medha Yaga’ for 21 generations and can also wear ‘mala’ of 54 ‘Rudrakshas’ with bigger bead known as ‘mery’ in the middle. During the ‘japa’, turning the rosary, one should not cross the ‘meru’ but turn back.

Like ‘Purushothama’ among men, ‘Ravi’ (sun0 among the planets, ‘Ganga’ among the rivers, ‘Kashyapa’ among the sages, Lord Shiva among Gods and Godess Gouri among the goddesses, the ‘Rudraksha mala, is the best, powerful among such ‘mala’s or garlands ! The wearing of ‘Rudraksha’ beads is important for all rituals !

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Boost your Bust ! Amazingly ! and Naturally!

Boost your Bust ! Amazingly ! and Naturally!

Attention Girls and Ladies ! There is no need to worry about your undersized bust ! Enhance your bust line naturally without any drugs and gadgets ! Safe and easy methods ! No side effects ! No complicated procedures ! Need not go out doors ! No expensive measures ! Wonderful and Amazing desired effect indoor only! ‘Flat to full ’bosom ! Wonderfully and miraculously ! Amazing Breast Enhancement through natural Herbal ways !

Click Here to Boost your Bust

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Acne – is it a problem !

Acne – is it a problem !

There are many a skin ailments from which almost every person suffers at one time or another. There are certain food habits, ways of living, and ageing process and climate etc. which cause these ailments. But most of these can be cured very easily.

‘Acne’ is one of the skin ailment commonly occurs at a particular age ie. I ‘teens’. Acne is often the cause of acute mental anguish and embarrassment to the teenager. But it can be successfully cured at home.

Here are a few herbal and home remedies with easy – to – advice. What ever you do, never attempt to treat acne by picking or squeezing the eruptions. This will not only spread it but will also cause damage to the skin tissue and resulting in black scar or spot on face and gives an ugly look.

Tiny black-capped eruptions are called black-heads which can be cleared by enlarging the skin pores with steam facial and gentle pressure.

Facial: Begin this facial by cleaning the face thoroughly with cleansing creams and then take a medium sized pan, half full of boiling water. Make a tent of a bath towel over your head and steam your face for ten mts. Once again clean your face with a cream. This will remove surface skin black heads.

Egg Mask:

After the steam bath, heat the white of an egg to a stiff froth. Add few drops of rose water and apply it your face. Leave it on until your facial skin feels stiff and then wash it off with water. This egg mask closes and tones the pores and checks oiliness.

Fuller’s Mask:

This is another effective facial mask. Mix fuller’s earth to a smooth paste with a rose water and apply on to the face. When dry, wash off with water. Wipe dry. Then rub with a rough napkin to dislodge the black heads. For deep seated black heads, taken seven cups of hot water and mix in two table spoons of Boric powder. Dip a clean napkin in this water and swathe your face in it. When it turns cold, repeat the procedure. Do this for about ten mts. This will remove the grease and soften the black heads. After this heating process, squeeze out black heads with the help of an expresser, an instrument specially designed for this process. It has a small spear-like point at one end and a cup-shaped spoon bearing a small central hole at the other end. It is best to prick the apex of the black heads with the sharp point before using pressure.

If numerous large and closely grouped superficial black heads are present, you can remove them by taking a piece of an ordinary adhesive plaster. Heat the plaster and apply it firmly over the affected area. Leave it on for 24 hrs. and then pull it off with a sharp tug. This method is very effective for removing black heads if properly handled. This procedure can be repeated but should not adopted on a sensitive or hairy skin areas. After removing the black heads, dab dilute alcohol or some mild disinfectant on the skin.

White heads:

They are also tiny cysts which are formed due to improper elimination of oil secreted from grease glands. They have the appearance of hard white spots and appear on any part of the body but they are mostly and commonly seen on the areas around the face, especially nose, cheeks, temples and fore head. A white head can be best removed by steaming the face for 5 mts. Over a bowl of boiling water. When the white heads in the pores have been softened, prick the apex with a clean sterilized needle and gently, very gently press it out with your fingers. Never let the finger nail press the skin and never squeeze the skin. This may result in scars and broken veins.

Another very effective method of removing white heads is to rub them regularly with a mixture of mild soap solution and table salt. Then wash off with cold water. After a few rubbings the white heads can be removed by gently pressing them out !

Friday, 27 February 2009

Oil Pulling – Wonderful Therapy !

Oil Pulling – Wonderful Therapy !

‘Oil pulling’ is a simple and very effective exercise and alternate therapy for various Health disorders, discovered by Dr.Med Karash of Soviet Russia. It is a very simple , easy and non expensive effective way of cure for many diseases. Even dreadful disorders like Cancer to Cardiac diseases were cured through this therapy.

This ‘Oil Pulling’ therapy was introduced in South India by Lt.Col. Thummala. Keteswara Rao garu of Bangalore.

‘Oil Pulling Therapy’:

First of all wash your mouth with fresh water. Then take 10 ml or one teaspoon of any refined vegetable oil, eg. Sun flower oil, or pea nut oil or sesame oil and keep in the mouth. Don’t swallow, just gargle the the oil for about 10 to 15 mts. Keeping your mouth closed, so that the viscous oily structure changes in to thin, froth water with whitish colour. Then spit off the white, frothy material. Then wash off your mouth 4-5 times with fresh water and then brush your teeth to get rid off harmful virus and Bacteria from your mouth.

The best time for oil pulling is ‘morning’ that to before break fast. It should be done with empty stomach only. It can be done 2-3 times per day for quick and effective results. Don’t be afraid even if the oil is swallowed by mistake !

Any body ie. Ladies or gents and even pregnant ladies can do this oil pulling with out any doubt. It can also be done during menses time with out any side effects.

How ‘Oil Pulling’ Works :

‘Oil pulling’ – removes harmful virus and Bacteria present in between teeth and in the mouth. By spitting out side the thin, watery, white, frothy fluid the Bacteria and virus are destroyed.

This ‘Oil pulling’ gives gentle ‘ massage’ to the facial muscles and gives uniform blood circulation which automatically melts the excess fat present in the facial muscles.

• Oil pulling removes ‘Acne’ problem, pimples and Black heads on the face and gives natural luster and glow to the face !
• It improves ‘eye sight’ and helps in removal of dark circles around the eyes.
• It also cures ‘mouth ulcers’ if any.
• It cures respiratory troubles by improving the blood circulation in the lungs.
• It also helps in the removal of black ugly spots, blemishes on the skin and face.
• Oil Pulling also cures cold and cough of temporary and chronic nature and even Asthama and oesonofelia etc.
• It is observed some natural hair growth on the scalp and removal of dandruff even.
• It removes excess fat deposited in the blood vessels and helps in loosing weight also !
• It cures all types of Head aches even like Migraine.
So adopt regularly Oil Pulling, Yoga, Pranayama and some other Micro Yogic Exercises and relaxation techniques for effective desired results !

May god bless you !