Thursday, 9 April 2009

Natural,Miracle Divine Bead - Rudraksha !

- Natural, Miracle, Divine Bead
- The ‘Rudraksha

‘Rudraksha’ – The Natural, Miracle, Divine bead tree belongs to ‘Elaeocarpaceae’ family and is known as Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Botanically !
There are 90 varieties of ‘Rudraksha’ trees were spread all over the world and 19 varieties are found in India. These trees grows to a height of 25 meters. The trees present on the banks of ‘Varun’ river in the Himalayan tract are called ‘Obalogous’ be the Botonists. The trees grow more than 3000 ft. in Himalayan mountain tract and are known as ‘Seretous’. The diameter of the trunk is about 2m. The tree resembles to some what like our Mango tree!
The leaves are big and long, measuring to a length of 10 to 30 cm and 12.5 cm. breadth. The upper surface of the leaf is in shiny dark green color. The lower surface of the leaf is covered with minute yellow dust particles. The inflorescence is of 7.5 cm. long and appears in the months of Dec – Jan. The flowers will be white in color and measures to a length of 2.5 cm. with sweet dour. The flowers become fruits during the months of Jul – Aug. The inner portion of the tree trunk will be in white in color in the early stages of it’s growth and in later stages as the tree grows older and older the pith of the tree will be in black in color. It is estimated that 1 cu.m. Of wood of ‘Rudraksha’ tree weighs about 480 Kgs.
In India, in western Ghat areas mainly in ‘Neelagiri’ and ‘Anemala’, in the forests of ‘Palani’, Assam, Java, Nepal and Malaya the ‘Rudraksha’ trees are found. They are also present in Indonaecea, Darjeling and Konkini, Mysore, Kerala states of South India.
The ‘Rudrakshas’ found in the state of Assam are known as ‘Saki Yang’ in Assamese language. The tribal people of Assam used to consume the riped ‘Rudraksha’ fruites which are bitter-sweet in taste !

The term ‘Rudraksha’ literally stands for the eyes of’’ Lord Shiva’. ‘Rudra’ means Lord Shiva and ‘Aksha’ means the ‘eyes’. Ancient Vedic scriptures like ‘The Siva Purana’, ‘ThePadma Purana’ (Chapt.57), Sri mad Baghavatham (Chapt.III to VII) , ‘Rudraksha Jaabaloponishad’ and ‘Mantra Maharnava’ etc. mentioned about the greatness and wonderful properties of ‘Rudraksha’ beads.

As per Vedic scriptures, ‘Puranas’, and ‘Devi Bhagavatham’, Lord Shiva, the supreme soul, infinite intelligence, Mangala Karaka, Laya Karaka, and most powerful deity performed penance (Ghora Thapas) with eyes open for millions of years. When he closed his eyes at the end, the tears dropped on the earth and sprouted as ‘Rudraksha’ plants! Lord Shiva then told to Godess Parvathi , no other necklace, garland or beads will be so powerful and auspicious as ‘Rudraksha’. As a gift of Lord Shiva, Yogi’s and prominent personalities used ‘Rudraksha’ to empower themselves and to lead a fearless and confident life. Scientifically also ‘Rudrakshas’ have electro magnetic properties and exhibit positive effects on the skin of the human body when worn.

By virtue of it physical structure of the ‘Rudraksha’ bead, it gently massage the neck and Heart muscles, there by leading to proper blood circulation . Ancient Rishis found wearing the ‘Rudraksha’ beads all over the body which said to control blood circulation in the entire Nervous System. ‘Rudrakshas’ can safely be worn by all people, men and women at all times. ‘Rudrakshas’ are worn for the removal of ‘sin’ (papa), and for attainment of spiritual uplift (punya) and not for any other motive. ‘Rudrakshas’ are said to protect the body, lightens the mind, controls the anger, prevents infection, aids in concentration and strengthens the ‘inner personility’

The ‘Rudraksha’ fruits are bluish red in color, hard and possess various faces or groves or clefts or furrows or ‘Mukhis’. ‘Rudrakshas’ with one face (Eka mukhi), and two faces (Dwi mukhi) are very rare. Those with faces up to 14 are very common. The five faced (Pancha Mukhi) Rudrakshas’ are very common and least expensive. Actually the faces or ‘Mukhis’ are represent the planet ‘Sun’ or ‘Surya’, the center of the Solar system, around which all the planets revolve. These ‘Mukhis’ effectively control the malefic effects of ‘Sun’ and cure diseases of Right eye, head, ear,bowel and bones.
Psychologically the confidence, charisma, leadership qualities and prosperity of the person increases as the ‘Sun’ is pleased with wearer. The smaller the ‘Rudraksha’ the less powerful it is, according to the Science of ‘Tantra’. Bigger the size, the vibration will be higher ! As per the Vedic scriptures and Puranas each ‘Rudraksha’ has a special magical quality.

Foreign scholars like Paul Hume hail the power of ‘Rudraksha’ which they believe would lead to a glorious period in human life. Diseases proving intractable for drugs and cured by wearing or drinking ‘Rudraksha’ enersized water or the extract from the ‘Rudraksha’ fruit. ‘Rudraksha’ – 7 – 14 faces provide protection from wild animals like Tigers and beasts, from dreadful diseases and are source of immense happiness. The wearing of ‘Rudraksha mala’ of 108 beads, yields the benefits of ‘Aswa Medha Yaga’ for 21 generations and can also wear ‘mala’ of 54 ‘Rudrakshas’ with bigger bead known as ‘mery’ in the middle. During the ‘japa’, turning the rosary, one should not cross the ‘meru’ but turn back.

Like ‘Purushothama’ among men, ‘Ravi’ (sun0 among the planets, ‘Ganga’ among the rivers, ‘Kashyapa’ among the sages, Lord Shiva among Gods and Godess Gouri among the goddesses, the ‘Rudraksha mala, is the best, powerful among such ‘mala’s or garlands ! The wearing of ‘Rudraksha’ beads is important for all rituals !

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

HERB: Acne – is it a problem !

HERB: Acne – is it a problem!

Acne FREE in 3 Days