Saturday, 28 February 2009

Acne – is it a problem !

Acne – is it a problem !

There are many a skin ailments from which almost every person suffers at one time or another. There are certain food habits, ways of living, and ageing process and climate etc. which cause these ailments. But most of these can be cured very easily.

‘Acne’ is one of the skin ailment commonly occurs at a particular age ie. I ‘teens’. Acne is often the cause of acute mental anguish and embarrassment to the teenager. But it can be successfully cured at home.

Here are a few herbal and home remedies with easy – to – advice. What ever you do, never attempt to treat acne by picking or squeezing the eruptions. This will not only spread it but will also cause damage to the skin tissue and resulting in black scar or spot on face and gives an ugly look.

Tiny black-capped eruptions are called black-heads which can be cleared by enlarging the skin pores with steam facial and gentle pressure.

Facial: Begin this facial by cleaning the face thoroughly with cleansing creams and then take a medium sized pan, half full of boiling water. Make a tent of a bath towel over your head and steam your face for ten mts. Once again clean your face with a cream. This will remove surface skin black heads.

Egg Mask:

After the steam bath, heat the white of an egg to a stiff froth. Add few drops of rose water and apply it your face. Leave it on until your facial skin feels stiff and then wash it off with water. This egg mask closes and tones the pores and checks oiliness.

Fuller’s Mask:

This is another effective facial mask. Mix fuller’s earth to a smooth paste with a rose water and apply on to the face. When dry, wash off with water. Wipe dry. Then rub with a rough napkin to dislodge the black heads. For deep seated black heads, taken seven cups of hot water and mix in two table spoons of Boric powder. Dip a clean napkin in this water and swathe your face in it. When it turns cold, repeat the procedure. Do this for about ten mts. This will remove the grease and soften the black heads. After this heating process, squeeze out black heads with the help of an expresser, an instrument specially designed for this process. It has a small spear-like point at one end and a cup-shaped spoon bearing a small central hole at the other end. It is best to prick the apex of the black heads with the sharp point before using pressure.

If numerous large and closely grouped superficial black heads are present, you can remove them by taking a piece of an ordinary adhesive plaster. Heat the plaster and apply it firmly over the affected area. Leave it on for 24 hrs. and then pull it off with a sharp tug. This method is very effective for removing black heads if properly handled. This procedure can be repeated but should not adopted on a sensitive or hairy skin areas. After removing the black heads, dab dilute alcohol or some mild disinfectant on the skin.

White heads:

They are also tiny cysts which are formed due to improper elimination of oil secreted from grease glands. They have the appearance of hard white spots and appear on any part of the body but they are mostly and commonly seen on the areas around the face, especially nose, cheeks, temples and fore head. A white head can be best removed by steaming the face for 5 mts. Over a bowl of boiling water. When the white heads in the pores have been softened, prick the apex with a clean sterilized needle and gently, very gently press it out with your fingers. Never let the finger nail press the skin and never squeeze the skin. This may result in scars and broken veins.

Another very effective method of removing white heads is to rub them regularly with a mixture of mild soap solution and table salt. Then wash off with cold water. After a few rubbings the white heads can be removed by gently pressing them out !

Friday, 27 February 2009

Oil Pulling – Wonderful Therapy !

Oil Pulling – Wonderful Therapy !

‘Oil pulling’ is a simple and very effective exercise and alternate therapy for various Health disorders, discovered by Dr.Med Karash of Soviet Russia. It is a very simple , easy and non expensive effective way of cure for many diseases. Even dreadful disorders like Cancer to Cardiac diseases were cured through this therapy.

This ‘Oil Pulling’ therapy was introduced in South India by Lt.Col. Thummala. Keteswara Rao garu of Bangalore.

‘Oil Pulling Therapy’:

First of all wash your mouth with fresh water. Then take 10 ml or one teaspoon of any refined vegetable oil, eg. Sun flower oil, or pea nut oil or sesame oil and keep in the mouth. Don’t swallow, just gargle the the oil for about 10 to 15 mts. Keeping your mouth closed, so that the viscous oily structure changes in to thin, froth water with whitish colour. Then spit off the white, frothy material. Then wash off your mouth 4-5 times with fresh water and then brush your teeth to get rid off harmful virus and Bacteria from your mouth.

The best time for oil pulling is ‘morning’ that to before break fast. It should be done with empty stomach only. It can be done 2-3 times per day for quick and effective results. Don’t be afraid even if the oil is swallowed by mistake !

Any body ie. Ladies or gents and even pregnant ladies can do this oil pulling with out any doubt. It can also be done during menses time with out any side effects.

How ‘Oil Pulling’ Works :

‘Oil pulling’ – removes harmful virus and Bacteria present in between teeth and in the mouth. By spitting out side the thin, watery, white, frothy fluid the Bacteria and virus are destroyed.

This ‘Oil pulling’ gives gentle ‘ massage’ to the facial muscles and gives uniform blood circulation which automatically melts the excess fat present in the facial muscles.

• Oil pulling removes ‘Acne’ problem, pimples and Black heads on the face and gives natural luster and glow to the face !
• It improves ‘eye sight’ and helps in removal of dark circles around the eyes.
• It also cures ‘mouth ulcers’ if any.
• It cures respiratory troubles by improving the blood circulation in the lungs.
• It also helps in the removal of black ugly spots, blemishes on the skin and face.
• Oil Pulling also cures cold and cough of temporary and chronic nature and even Asthama and oesonofelia etc.
• It is observed some natural hair growth on the scalp and removal of dandruff even.
• It removes excess fat deposited in the blood vessels and helps in loosing weight also !
• It cures all types of Head aches even like Migraine.
So adopt regularly Oil Pulling, Yoga, Pranayama and some other Micro Yogic Exercises and relaxation techniques for effective desired results !

May god bless you !