‘PyraVastu’ is a practicle art to harmonise, Mind,Body, and Spirit with the Environment, by just placing pre-programmed ‘Pyramid Yantra’ at appropriate locations; to achieve Health,Happiness and Prospirity.
Pyra Vastu is ideal for correcting Vastu and Feng Shui defects without physical alteration, shifting, or breaking Home, Shop, or Factory. Actually ‘Pyramid’ is an ‘ Energy Center’. In Greek terminology, ‘Pyra’ means ‘Fire’, and ‘Amid’ means ‘Central Portion’.That denotes,Energy rises from the central portion.
PyraVastu is a highly modern,more dynamic and very active way of getting ‘Good’ from all sides. Prof.Dr.Jiten Bhatt done lot of research for about twenty five years and designed this revolutionary new vastu concept, perhaps this is first of its kind in the world. The main aim of pyravastu is to absorb the ‘ Life Force Energy’ that is secretly hidden in the Universe. Some call it is ‘ Pye Energy’. Pyravastu is highly beneficial to overcome Emotional, Physical and Psychological pressures.
Pyravastu is the efficient management of this pyenergy net work to bring about a positive awareness in and around us. ‘Pyravastu’ is complimentary to vastu and Fengshui but its dynamic action starts exactly at the opposite end. It is just like using Medicine and Meditation for achieving health. Vastu and Fengshui is more like offering solutions for outer visible end, like thousands of branches and leaves. Pyravastu deals with the roots or vital force, behind all action within it. It is a totally innovative concept of subtle level correction with Pyramid Yantras based on Mind over matter.It deals with our inbuilt power and ability of Mind- Body- Emotion. This powerful intention at the core level induces energy within us. Thus.subtle energy level correction is more powerful than that done by material or physical means. The first principle in Pyravastu is that of Mind over Matter. Mind is more powerful than body in the same way Energy is more powerful than matter, Yantra is more powerful than constructions and center is more powerful than Yantra.
Pyravastu has benefited 2.5 million people in just thirty years. Prof.Dr.Jiten Bhatt has made a deep study of Egyption,Indian, Mexican, and other ancient concepts Of Mind Power Tools (MPT). After yers of research in these MPT’s like Pyramids, Yantras, Symbals and Mandalas and many others, he invented this totally new revolutionary powerful tool, ‘Pyramid Yantra’. This Pyramid Yantra looks quite similar Egyption Pyramids but it’s working principle is very different and can be used for numerous specific purposes.
He designs this new system in such a practical way that anybody can implement in their lives
Even for better solutions of day to day problems. Pyramid Yantra works at the core of all things and beings in existence and hence helps in creating balance and harmony at the core of all our problems. It is a versatile MPT, which can aid where the materialistic Sciences cannot offer much help.
This new MPT can be used in symbiosis with anyother discipline of mental, physical, and emotional wellness. It enhances the effect of any healthy living system like Yoga, Meditation, Healing, Vastu, Fengshui and many others.
Pyravastu yantras eliminate all vastu defects and brings reality in their dreamed lives. By arranging these at proper locations in homes, office, business centers, factories, educational and software institutes brings peace of mind, Happiness, Health, Financial growth , Good family relationship and over all success and development in every walk of life.
Vastu Science: It is nothing but the ancient, mystic architectural science of Indians. In Mayan culture, the Temples resemble the pyramidal structure. Vastu is the gift of Cosmic Energy which man has utilizing for his living and gradually improved and improvised for the pleasure of healthy and harmonious living.
Vastu science brings balance between Nature, Man, and Material. Universe, including our human body, comprises of five essential elements viz; Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Sky. The principles of Vastu are mainly based on the arrangement and balancing of these five elements in their proper order and proportions. Among these, ‘Sky’ (Space) element is the unlimited and unidentified stage. We are observing sky and stars. The stars and planets with their mild and strong radiation influence the destiny of Man-Matter-Material. That means the emergence (Srishti), Existence (Sthithi), and Exipiration (Laya) of every thing is influenced by the rotatory movements of the Universe, Stars, Planets and unknown things.
How ‘Pyramid’ acts to bring positive energy:
The Pyramid is a device consists of four isoscaled triangles that are joined together with a common vertex. The vertex of the Pyramid is the point where the cosmic energy is densely concentrated and enters inside the Pyramid. Again this energy is scattered by the five points of the Pyramid ie; the vertex and four corners. This pyramid energy when falls on the subject (Matter), the particles that are disarranged and deformed get themselves arranged uniformely. This change of state of particles of the matter increases the working capacity and effectiveness of the matter. Thus the pyramidal energy purifies the environment surrounding it and also brings affect on the mental activity of the individual at various levels.
Pyramid energy of ten Nano meter power is capable to bring ‘disorder’ to ‘order’, ‘disharmony’ to ‘harmony’, ‘inactive’ to ‘active’, and ‘ill effect’ to ‘wellness’. So Pyramid can be utilized beyond doubt for removal or elimination of ‘Vastu’ disorders, and ‘Vyakti Doshas’(Individual defects). This Science of ‘Pyramidal Energy’ to ward off the ill effects of ‘Vastu Dosha’ is called ‘Pyravastu’. Any irregularity or deformity, bad effects of any kind may be corrected or rectified by placing Pyramid(s) at proper locations.
Pyramidal Architecture:
1. An Architect, Robert Bruce Crucius has erected on such place in Malibu in California. He has taken up this type of construction for a restaurant also.
2. In India, a double decker Pyramidal structure is being used for treatment of patients in the Ambalal Munshi Nature cure Hospital at Vallabah Vidya Nagar, Anand.
3. Bapuji Ashram, at Ujjaini has one Meditation Hall of Pyramid construction .
4. Near Jabalpur, Osho Ashram at ‘Deital’ has wooden pyramids.
5. In Delhi,the capital city of India, the Salpathi Pyramid is quite famous.
6. In Tamilnadu, Pyramidal Health Centers are being run. Late Dr. Kurup used to treat the patients in pyramid huts.
7. In Andhra Pradesh and in other states of India, Pyramid Societies are bestowing tremendous efforts in propagating the importance of Pyramid structures for Meditation and making people to construct roof top Pyramids on their houses for Meditation, Health and Peace of Mind!
Vastu- Some Facts-Vastu Defects- It’s effects:
‘Vastu Shastra’, literally means ‘the Science of Building’. Vastu is not merely calculations and physical dimentions. It is deeply related to Indian Philosophy, religion and Cosmic Eneregy. It is the micro- Built environment of man which deals with permutations and combinations of nine Grahas (Planets), Twelve Rashis (Sun Signs), Twelve Houses and Twenty seven Nakshatras (Constellations). Vastu Sashtra is an age old Science of Architecture developed in India. It is a ‘Vedanga’, a branch of ‘Sthapatya Veda’ which in turn is the part of ‘Yajur Veda’, Hence, Vastu is a Science discovered by our great Saints and Sages to lead human beings to a more happy, healthy and prosperous life.
‘Vastu Shastra’ is practiced and studied under different names in India but the essence remains the same. In North India, ‘Kashyap’s writings are followed where as in South India, especially in Karnataka and Andhra Predesh, ‘Mayan’ is followed. In Tamilnadu ,’Bhrigu Muni’ and other Sidhas are widely accepted. The Sidhas mainly made use of the ‘Navagrahas’ to keep away evil effects from the site or place.
Influence of Negative and Positive space in a building or a room:
Result of Negative Space:
North: Difficulties in career. Creates weakness, depression and confusion.
East: Misunderstandings, ill health and loss of vitality.
North-East: Feeling unstable, creates forgetfulness, not good for scholars.
South: Becomes self-conscious, loses confidence, reputation, and clarity.
West: Difficulties of children, loss of joy, hard to save money and emotional blockage.
South-west: Feels unstable, hard to find relationship, difficulties for women.
North-west: Not many helpful people, lack of vitality, difficulties for men, children may be disobedient.
South-East: Income is affected, difficulties in business, confusion and accidents.
Don’ts in North side: * No heavy and high construction should be made.
*Toilet seat should not be kept.
*No drain water should flow.
Don’ts in Eastern side: No heavy constructions should be made.
*No wastage water storing.
*Toilet-seat should not face East.
Don’ts in North-East: * No heavy structures.
* No high and elevated structures.
* No toilets should be kept.
* No wastage material should be stored or stocked.
Don’ts in West: * Western side should not be in low level.
Don’ts in South: * Avoid South facing gate as far as possible.
* Never give for rent south part of house.
* No doors or windows should be kept.
Don’ts in South-East: * If this portion is low or pits or watery the owner will be depressed, suffers ill-health, and debts too.
East-south-Eastern part is extended, male progeny will suffer. Sometimes they may be childless. If there are gates, bad habits and suffering from second son may happen.
South-south-East part is extended disputes from ladies, and family troubles may arise.
No toilets should be placed.
Wells and pits should not be present.
One should not purchase vacant place in this location .
· If the bed rooms, beds, Dressing tables are not placed in a proper location, there will not be peace of mind among the couple. Unhappy marital life and there will be no sound sleep too.
· The main gate should not be adjacent to kitchen, major portion of their income will be on kitchen related expenditure.
· Don’t raise excess Cactus, Milky Plants, Thorny plants, or Bonsai plants in home. There will be more mental stress and depression. Some times child growth will be effected.
When these above are inevitable or happened with out knowing, there is no need to worry because ‘ Pyravastu’ correction or rectification with out breaking a single brick and with out any demolition of actual structure one can ensure good management, harmonious relationship between a couple and family members, employs in an office, Workers in a factory, executives in a company, Business centre, business problems and many financial problems.
Thus ‘ Pyravastu’ is a mystique, modern, more dynamic, very effective and active way of getting ‘Good’ from all sides. It is a brand new revolution which is highly beneficial and a boon to the mankind in bringing Health, Happiness, Harmony, Peace of Mind and Prosperity !
Some tools of Pyravastu:
9x9 Multier Pyramid Yantra.
9x9 Multier Max pyramid.
9x9 Protect (out side).
9x9 Protect ( inside).
Baguva (Chinese) Out side.
Swastic Gold.
9x9 Bemar.
9x9 Booster.
Pyron kit ( 9 Nos.)
Pyra cards (4 Nos.)
Business Disc.